Transformer Attention Layer gradient

Transformer Attention Layer gradient.

The Transformer Attention Layer gradient



This chapter will validate that my conclusion is true, so I code a python code with PyTorch, you can see it in

Here I will select the code for validating W^Q, you can validate others in my

Here is the code :

import torch
from multi_head_test import MultiHeadAttention

x =torch.rand(1,5,10)
attention = MultiHeadAttention(d_model=10, n_head=2)

out,gradient_wo,att1,score,A = attention(q=x, k=x, v=x)
out 就是正常多头注意力的输出,gradient_wo是Wo的梯度,att1是未经过拼接的attention结果是一个四维张量,score是经过拼接的attention结果在示例代码中是一个二维张量因为batch_size=1,A

out is the output of the Multi_head attention,gradient_wo is the gradient of W^O,att1 is a 4-dim tensor before concat, the score is a 2-dim tensor 
after concat, this is because our batch_size  is 1, and A is the attention layer output before softmax, which is the same definition as my derived.

# print(A)
print('x is {}'.format(x))
Y=1/(A.exp()@I+1e-15) # add a small positive to prevent divid zero
# print(attention.w_concat.weight)
vp = torch.block_diag(x@attention.w_v.weight.transpose(0,1)[:,0:5],x@attention.w_v.weight.transpose(0,1)[:,5:10])
# print(vp)
dev_A = ((torch.ones(5,10)/50)@attention.w_concat.weight@vp.transpose(0,1))*score-((((torch.ones(5,10)/50)@attention.w_concat.weight@ \

# print(dev_A)
# print(attention.w_k.weight.transpose(0,1)[:,0:5])
ph1 =,5),torch.zeros(5,5)),1)
ph2 =,5),torch.eye(5,5)),1)
w_q1 = (1/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(5)))*x.transpose(0,1)@dev_A@ph1.transpose(0,1)@x@attention.w_k.weight.transpose(0,1)[:,0:5]
w_q2 = (1/torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(5)))*x.transpose(0,1)@dev_A@ph2.transpose(0,1)@x@attention.w_k.weight.transpose(0,1)[:,5:10]
w_q =,w_q2),1)
print('w_q_theory is {}'.format(w_q))
# print(out.mean())
loss = out.mean()
# loss=criterion(out, trg)
wq_gradient = attention.w_q.weight.grad
w_q_true = wq_gradient.transpose(0,1)
print('w_q_true is {}'.format(w_q_true))
print('W^Q error is {}'.format((w_q-w_q_true).short()))

Here is the output:

x is tensor([[0.9828, 0.7096, 0.8925, 0.7485, 0.2119, 0.3197, 0.9957, 0.7539, 0.8392,
        [0.6402, 0.9792, 0.2407, 0.1695, 0.2291, 0.5823, 0.0954, 0.0536, 0.3664,
        [0.1755, 0.8609, 0.5094, 0.1457, 0.0729, 0.8283, 0.4541, 0.7837, 0.6879,
        [0.7441, 0.0862, 0.0149, 0.2518, 0.9933, 0.9696, 0.6805, 0.0150, 0.3834,
        [0.9417, 0.1756, 0.5198, 0.9735, 0.9840, 0.2650, 0.0944, 0.6083, 0.8167,
w_q_theory is tensor([[-3.3509e-04,  7.7690e-04,  2.7982e-04, -2.8395e-05, -5.0505e-05,
          7.0491e-04,  5.3742e-04, -3.8210e-04,  5.6359e-04,  7.6308e-04],
        [-2.6656e-04,  6.1130e-04,  2.2434e-04, -2.6311e-05, -4.1326e-05,
          5.6756e-04,  4.3612e-04, -3.1499e-04,  4.5160e-04,  6.2352e-04],
        [-2.0899e-04,  4.8126e-04,  1.7332e-04, -1.9127e-05, -3.1058e-05,
          4.4133e-04,  3.4002e-04, -2.4542e-04,  3.5118e-04,  4.8556e-04],
        [-2.2124e-04,  5.1352e-04,  1.8316e-04, -1.8215e-05, -3.2493e-05,
          4.6535e-04,  3.5562e-04, -2.5256e-04,  3.7205e-04,  5.0422e-04],
        [-2.3950e-04,  5.5784e-04,  2.0116e-04, -1.9356e-05, -3.6463e-05,
          5.0320e-04,  3.8002e-04, -2.6629e-04,  4.0410e-04,  5.3658e-04],
        [-2.8113e-04,  6.4748e-04,  2.3832e-04, -2.6738e-05, -4.4274e-05,
          5.9495e-04,  4.5302e-04, -3.2400e-04,  4.7511e-04,  6.4579e-04],
        [-2.2247e-04,  5.1250e-04,  1.8589e-04, -2.0382e-05, -3.3849e-05,
          4.6567e-04,  3.5762e-04, -2.5898e-04,  3.7052e-04,  5.1228e-04],
        [-2.1190e-04,  4.8698e-04,  1.7599e-04, -2.0002e-05, -3.1606e-05,
          4.4859e-04,  3.4570e-04, -2.4971e-04,  3.5689e-04,  4.9386e-04],
        [-2.9622e-04,  6.8352e-04,  2.4727e-04, -2.6797e-05, -4.4690e-05,
          6.2590e-04,  4.7932e-04, -3.4325e-04,  4.9932e-04,  6.8255e-04],
        [-2.7135e-04,  6.2463e-04,  2.2625e-04, -2.5299e-05, -4.0841e-05,
          5.7555e-04,  4.4196e-04, -3.1743e-04,  4.5866e-04,  6.2990e-04]],

w_q_true is tensor([[-3.3509e-04,  7.7690e-04,  2.7982e-04, -2.8395e-05, -5.0505e-05,
          7.0490e-04,  5.3742e-04, -3.8210e-04,  5.6359e-04,  7.6308e-04],
        [-2.6656e-04,  6.1130e-04,  2.2434e-04, -2.6311e-05, -4.1326e-05,
          5.6756e-04,  4.3612e-04, -3.1499e-04,  4.5160e-04,  6.2352e-04],
        [-2.0899e-04,  4.8126e-04,  1.7332e-04, -1.9127e-05, -3.1058e-05,
          4.4133e-04,  3.4002e-04, -2.4542e-04,  3.5118e-04,  4.8556e-04],
        [-2.2124e-04,  5.1352e-04,  1.8316e-04, -1.8215e-05, -3.2493e-05,
          4.6535e-04,  3.5562e-04, -2.5256e-04,  3.7206e-04,  5.0422e-04],
        [-2.3950e-04,  5.5784e-04,  2.0116e-04, -1.9356e-05, -3.6463e-05,
          5.0320e-04,  3.8002e-04, -2.6629e-04,  4.0410e-04,  5.3658e-04],
        [-2.8113e-04,  6.4748e-04,  2.3832e-04, -2.6738e-05, -4.4274e-05,
          5.9495e-04,  4.5302e-04, -3.2400e-04,  4.7511e-04,  6.4579e-04],
        [-2.2247e-04,  5.1250e-04,  1.8589e-04, -2.0382e-05, -3.3849e-05,
          4.6567e-04,  3.5762e-04, -2.5898e-04,  3.7052e-04,  5.1228e-04],
        [-2.1190e-04,  4.8698e-04,  1.7599e-04, -2.0002e-05, -3.1606e-05,
          4.4859e-04,  3.4570e-04, -2.4971e-04,  3.5690e-04,  4.9386e-04],
        [-2.9622e-04,  6.8352e-04,  2.4727e-04, -2.6797e-05, -4.4690e-05,
          6.2590e-04,  4.7932e-04, -3.4325e-04,  4.9932e-04,  6.8255e-04],
        [-2.7135e-04,  6.2463e-04,  2.2625e-04, -2.5299e-05, -4.0841e-05,
          5.7555e-04,  4.4196e-04, -3.1743e-04,  4.5866e-04,  6.2990e-04]])

W^Q error is tensor([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=torch.int16)